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The College of Informatics was established in August 2004, and now has three departments: Department of Information Management (IM), Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE), and Department of Information and Communication Engineering (ICE). Its faculty includes 14 professors, 25 associate professors, 16 assistant professors, and 1 lecturer. Total student enrollment in the college is now over 2,350. The college has Ph. D. program in IM, masters programs in three departments, providing opportunities for advanced studies and research. The location of our university is near by the Taichung Software Park.
The goals of the College of Informatics are to construct an outstanding research and teaching environment on the cutting edge of world technology trends, address the development of IT industry, and integrate science and technology with a communication of resources. In addition to building professional skills through training the students using the latest research and information, we also focus on professional ethics and promotion of foreign languages. Our goal is to foster the highest level of professional skills and behavior in our students for the betterment of the world. In the coming information era, our research fields contain but not limited in information technologies and society, enterprise information systems, health care informatics, multimedia technologies and applications, big data, database administration, information security, 4C intergration technology, network application and multimedia programming, network planning and management, and communication system.

168, Jifeng E. Rd., Wufeng District,Taichung 41349, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-4-2332-3000 ext.7702 Email: coinfo@cyut.edu.tw
Copyright c 2005 The President and Fellows of College of Informatics